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Our Themes

Musiquer toute la vie rigorously explores the numerous benefits of amateur musical practice at every stage of life. Whether you’re a music enthusiast, a concerned parent, an aspiring musician, or a dedicated educator, our platform is designed for you.

We believe in an inclusive approach where everyone can find their place in our musical community. Because the benefits of amateur music-making are accessible to all, regardless of age or ability.

Our articles and video segments are organized around four key themes, each exploring a specific aspect of the benefits of music. From enlightening science on the advantages of musical practice at every stage of life to the exploration of groundbreaking neuroscientific discoveries, we invite you to delve into this wealth of knowledge presented in accessible language.

In this pursuit of knowledge and education, music becomes a source of well-being for everyone.

The Benefits of Musicking for the Brain

The Benefits of Musicking with Extraordinary Individuals

The Benefits of Musicking in Innovative Ways

Would you like to ask a question?

The Musiquer toute la vie team will do its best to answer your questions about our four themes. With your permission, your questions and our responses will be shared on this platform to inform the broader public about your concerns.